
PO Box 4206, Ainslie, ACT, 2602

Issue: Password Recovery

Running a newly opened Dentist, I cannot afford anything going wrong with my computers. I have no time to fix it myself or get trained.
I had a busy day coming up and when I seemed to have forgotten the main computers password and had no backup written down, I was losing time and could not afford to remain closed to my customers. I called 6 computer businesses to help me, they all said no. As soon as I called CPKN Computers, I got a “yes, I will be there as quick as I can”. He came in and told me he understood how important for things like this to not happen. He promised me he will resolve this. Within 5 minutes he managed to reset my password and I had access again. I was so thankful. I lost a lot in that time frame, and could not afford to let that happen again. He gave me a way to quickly reset my password just in case it happened again. I respect how a small business can benefit having an IT expert behind them. I informed Chris that I will be calling him for any issues from now on in so I don’t have the worry anymore. He is a great guy and I am glad all those people said no.