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Introducing Windows 10

Hey guys,

Introducing Windows 10. This was the officially announced new Operating System from Microsoft.

Microsoft have skipped the anticipated name “Windows 9” to get as close to “Windows 1” as possible, but obviously Windows 1 has been done. Windows 10 is described as the “1 Platform”, but not necessarily one to rule them all, but all devices great and small will run the core system that Windows 10 boasts.

Everything shown by the leaked Windows System from WinFuture were shown at the event.

Here is the conference that shows Windows 10 presented by Terry Myerson (Windows lead) and Joe Belfiore (Vice President, Operating Systems Group)


(YouTube Video Deleted)

This was about core technicals and show the balance between Windows 7 users and Windows 8 users, pointing out many times that Windows is used by a vast amount of different users and Microsoft want to find a balance between the playful novices that don’t have much skills and does basic things all the way up to the Geeks.

As soon as the Preview is available, we will do a vast amount of playing around and making sure the nitty gritty is exposed and not have a narrow, nerdy opinion of Windows 10.

The preview isn’t looking to be restrictive, but due to its raw position that it is at and will be for a few months, its not gonna be for the faint hearted. If you have a spare Desktop and want to take the risk, you can visit and sign up to the Windows Insider Program.

More info will be available in the next few months.