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New iPhone Bug Emerges Using Text

Apple vulnerability solution? RUN!


Yep, you read the title right! A new bug using text has been found. What does it do? It crashes your iPhone, iWatch, even your iPad!

Originally found, sending a certain text message to any iPhone seems to crash when the victim gets the toast notification (The pop down bar).

It has been said that it doesn’t happen when the victim is already reading the thread.

It has been used as a booby-trap on SnapChat and Twitter through messages from the app.

The bug was found by a Reddit user 2 days ago that has taken on a viral stance over the last few days. Apple is aware and will be formulating a fix. If you have annoying friends who may attempt this, we suggest you disable the toast notification, though this will disable all notifications.

Already affected?

  • Have the person who sent you the malicious message send another message effectively cancelling out the initial strand
  • Alternatively, send yourself a message via Siri, the share sheet, or from your Mac.
  • Someone notes that “sending a photo to the contact via the Photos app can allow them to access the message history and delete the conversation”

Have you been affected? Comment below.

Share this to your friends/family who use Apple products.