ACT Policing 30/04/2015


ACT Policing has posted on Facebook and Twitter about some scams that have been popping up in emails.

They wrote:

“It would appear that the scam alert we issued earlier in the week regarding email traffic infringement notices from the Australian Federal Police has morphed into a new scam.

The original scam outline is still in place about an unpaid fine, but the scammers have now changed it to ‘driving intrusion information’ issued by the ‘Commonwealth of Australia’.

Don’t be scammed!!! Don’t click on any links which are in the email. You should delete the email straight away and consider running a virus scan of your computer in case the email is infected with a virus. ”

If you see or have seen strange emails, leave them alone, don’t click the links and if you want to be certain, have it confirmed. If you know you shouldn’t have it, DELETE IT!

Have you been affected by this scam epidemic or another? Report it to us.