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Windows 10 hits 200 Million Devices

Microsoft Welcomes the New Year as Windows 10 Hits 200 Million Devices

Microsoft announced its stats for Windows 10 on the 4th Jan 2016, stating it hit the 200 million milestone.

Windows 10 continues to be on the fastest growth trajectory of any version of Windows – ever – outpacing Windows 7 by nearly 140% and Windows 8 by nearly 400%.

Amazingly, 76% of Microsoft’s Enterprise users are trialling Windows 10 with 22 million users being Enterprise and Education.

Microsoft have stated that “Overall, we are seeing significantly higher customer satisfaction with Windows 10 than any prior version of Windows.” Despite this may be true… or not, Windows 10 has not been flawless and Microsoft’s response has not been up to par.


We at CPKN Computers have been doing the best we can in monitoring what has been happening, who has reported it, how it was reported and how people respond, including Microsoft. Along with that, we have been working with Microsoft and Vendors in problem solving issues and making sure reporting is done, and done well.

We believe that much of the news that is presented around the world through various formats has become “over-critical”.
No, being critical and wary of issues with things, especially things you invest in, isn’t bad, but how it is being processed is getting a little off track and left field.

As more and more info has been released over the years with various privacy concerns, especially through the likes of Google, Privacy has been a big contender against Windows 10 since the beginning.

They collect data from you to see what you do and how you do it. How this is being handled is getting to the point where, if you walk into a public area, take one look at someone, that person will go off at you, call the police and/or take you to court for invading their privacy. Don’t believe us, take that point into consideration as you search the web for articles, read those and many of their comments, and you might just see what we see.

Lets look at one example, location. Depending on what you use, its tough to help you get the correct information if your refusing to give your location. How would you expect a weather app know what weather to give you based on your location?

Nevertheless, however you see it, many companies have been gathering data for ages and require it to make things better. There is a good chance that every thing you use does not get your constant feedback, good or bad and if asked, you would probably decline most of the time. It gets too complex when people want one thing while others want something else.

The best way to keep your privacy is not using the internet. Remembering that we have an estimated 3 Billion Internet Users who all have their own opinions about things and may not agree with your concerns and may just be happy about how things are done. That’s the basic rules when it comes to public sharing.

Moving on…

Microsoft have done something very interesting for their product. They applied credibility on consumers by having a more “Open Door” policy by asking for feedback and sharing it with everyone.

Suggestions and Issues, all being exposed by users, gives Microsoft an edge in removing some blame from things that happen because in the end, someone or people request features, fixes and tweaks, that – in turn, affects others, whether it be something someone doesn’t like, or a bug occurs, breaking something.

With this, we have more open discussions about positive and negative aspects of Windows 10, but of course negative things should not happen, so we are more inclined to worry and discuss the negative things.
With previous versions of Windows, there has been many significant issues with them but because we did not have the discussions, critics and media coverage we have now, they were not something we worried about as much as we worry now.
With all negative things, instead of working out a way to stop the negative, we walk away.
To check how something is, you first need to dip your toe in the water and see how it feels. Instead, if someone has done it and does not like it, you will likely feel hesitant in trying.

This is the bottleneck Windows 10 and even Windows Mobile 10 has to face.

As much as we all don’t want issues, its the way of life, we will always have hurdles, but unless we jump over them or even break through them, we will always be stuck.
This is why Microsoft gave you the 1 month trial. If you have issues after it, you do have an option that should of been done before upgrading, that is making a System Image of your Previous Windows. That way, if you have catastrophic issues, you can still revert back to a system that works for you.


We have not been impressed with how Microsoft have handled cry outs to issues that have arisen, and how much people have had to do to go out of their way to avoid or fix any issues.

Unfortunately, there are issues that are being blamed on “user fault” when it has not been 100% true.

The Start Menu Error is a good example.

From all the data gathered, including what people have experienced, tried, done, it leads to the suggestion that the users “User Profile” is being corrupt. We also see it affect more people coming from Windows 7 than 8.1, but we suspect that the transition from 7 to 10 in the profile structure is more complex to alter than 8.1, as 8.1 and 10 have a similar User feel.
Dropbox is a big thing in regards to this issue, that uninstalling it has helped many people.

With so many factors that can be to blame for issues, we can understand Microsoft’s position that they cannot be fully to blame for issues, but they can still work on making sure the things that cause the issues – on their product, doesn’t happen, their fault or not.

IF Dropbox is to blame, then it is tainting Windows and Microsoft’s reputation.

What is disappointing is the communication Microsoft lack. It is not difficult to update users on their progress on issues, even if it isn’t any closer to a fix.

We can all agree that any news is better than nothing. We just have to relax if we don’t have good progress news.

What we are saying is, be mindful of the information you get. It is great to know that people now care more enough to speak out about what they invest in, good and bad, but some people may not take on things as well as others and so if you get caught up in that, it may just cloud your judgement.

We encourage everyone to discuss and assess Windows 10 with an open/positive mind and focus on making this product great for all and we encourage Microsoft to make sure they are making their product great as well by listening to their customers, but understanding that Windows 10 is their baby and they must help it grow up big and strong, making sure to do something if it gets sick.

We wish Microsoft have great success in 2016 and hope to see another 200 million users of Windows 10.

Tell us your story, good &/or bad. Tell us below in the comments or email us.