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Windows 10 “The Next Chapter”

Welcome to Windows 10 “The Next Chapter”

Hello everyone,

We would like to welcome our insight of “The Next Chapter” of Windows 10 and what Microsoft, aswell as all of us in the “Insider Program” have helped to achieve over the last year.

We have brought you demo’s of features in Windows 10 to show you what the Windows team have brought to the new experience in Windows thanks to the help of developers, consumers, IT Experts and Businesses to unlock an experience that everyone can enjoy.

Let’s begin with the first big announcement, something that was amazing to hear from Microsoft that you never see done with a product that wasn’t made to save face like 7 to Vista or 8.1 to 8.

Windows 10 will be FREE for the first year of release!

That’s right, but it gets better,

Free for:

– Windows 8.1 Users

– Windows Phone 8.1 Users

– Windows 7 Users

That’s right! Windows 10 is a free upgrade for all those platforms. No word on price after the 1 year.

We shall now go through some of the key features presented in the conference on this blog but check out our Windows 10 Preview page over the coming weeks as the new build is delivered to us so we can create a new demo Video showing everything Windows 10 has to offer, plus, we will keep you posted with important announcements aswell as our monthly “Technology News” segments.

The Start Menu Expanded

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Microsoft is introducing the removal of the Start Screen in place of the Start Menu. But those of you who like using touch, don’t fret yet, as you can see by the picture, you will be able to expand out the Start Menu to keep the touch friendliness but still function for Keyboard & Mouse users.


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For those of you who use Windows 8/8.1, you have what is called the “Charms” menu. Microsoft have decide to remove the features of charms and instead, implement the “Action Centre” as seen on Windows Phone 8.1.

The menu will sync notifications with your other devices, keeping it seamless and no duplicates to handle.

Windows Phone 10 has fixed up its Action Centre to make it even easier to control, including the implementation of “Expand Buttons”. When you pull down the Action Centre, you have 4 Buttons that can be customized to do a certain action, like turn WIFI on and off. In Windows 10, you will be able to pull down again to get even more buttons that can do more actions that 4 buttons can’t do on it’s own.

Another Phone feature that is seen on other platforms is the ability to “Quick Text” straight from the Action Centre, now with Windows 10, it’s possible.

“Hey Cortana”

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Cortana was introduced with Windows Phone 8.1. She has been expanding and developing for a while and now, she is coming to your Desktop.

Just like the recently released Denim Update for Lumia Devices, you can activate Cortana via voice by simply saying “Hey Cortana”.

Cortana will live next to the Start Button where you can start typing in something or press the Microphone button and dictate what you want. She has her own homepage where she will give you a run down of the day from the information you would like her to give, such as messages, reminders, sports results, weather etc.

Cortana is also taking over the traditional Search Bar of Windows 7 and now she will be used when wanting to find something on your Local PC.

Cortana will also be developing her scribe skills. As shown in the conference, Joe Belfiore wrote an email to a colleague just by using voice.

Cortana uses what the Windows Team call the “Notebook” where Cortana keeps all her records you made about various things, likes, places etc ready to be used to make your life easier. This Notebook is not only used in Windows 10, but will sync with your other devices, keeping the information seamless and not limited to the actions Cortana does on 1 device.

Office Work

Microsoft Office has been expanding over to as many platform’s as it can, why? Well nothing beats Microsoft Office!

A new office is being developed to have better integration to the Windows 10 experience. It was shown a little but the big part was the changes for Windows Phone.

Windows Phone had Office for quick editing of Documents, Excel or PowerPoint. This quick view is nice but not very good in advanced changes. Windows 10 will bring a better looking UI but also have added what was needed for a long time, The Ribbon.

Yes, Office’s Ribbon, full of actions can now be used within your Phones Office, allowing better editing and enhancements to your works needs.

The Recent List in Office for Desktop is now on Office for Phone, allowing you to see your recent works but also, the work you did on your other devices.

The Office team also plan to integrate Wireless Printing from the apps.

We should see more details as the Office develops.

Project “Spartan”

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Rumors were true and yes, Microsoft have been developing a new Web Browser dubbed “Spartan”. This new Internet Browser will sit along side what should be Internet Explorer 12. They showed a limited amount of features, 1 being able to write, draw, crop, fix the webpage using Keyboard & Mouse, Touch or Pen. This feature will capture the entire page and then you can do as you will then save it, send it or whatever. This just might work out better for Business users but may help out others for other various things, like pointing out funny things as an example.

Cortana is also helping out in Spartan. She can help get other information related to the site you are on, such as, if you are on a Restaurant webpage, Cortana will give you Reviews, location info etc plus, in the example given, if you somehow can’t find the button for the menu, Cortana will have a link on hand.


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A Quick one for gamers, Windows 10 will be inserting itself with some parts into the Xbox One. But other big features were also announced.

– Cross-Play Multiplayer (Play with friends on your Xbox while they play on their PC)

– DVR Gameplay (Record PC Game gameplay with built in recording to try to remove the 3rd needs)

– Stream (To compete with Nintendo Wii U & Sony Playstation, Xbox has announced their own remote game streaming, but instead of handhelds, you can play on your PC. This means you can have a family member watch TV while you can still play Xbox One [After being kicked from the TV] on a PC monitor.)


(YouTube Video Deleted)

TV Computing

The conference presented a brand new Device that is good for Businesses, The “Surface Hub”.

Help me Obi-wan Kenobi

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Microsoft announced today a project that has been under raps, developing for years, Holographics. Using Oculus Rift style glasses you can immerse yourself with 3D Objects in a real world environment. Unlike AR (Augmented Reality) which is mainly dependant on markers, HoloLens has no cords, moving parts, cameras, projectors, markers or devices to make this work.

Microsoft created an New Processor, calling it the Holographic Processing Unit (HPU). It is a 3rd processor to help the CPU and GPU render Holographic images.

That’s it! What an amazing look into how Microsoft have innovated their products to create a world full of imagination, productivity and entertainment. All thanks to Windows 10.

Thanks for reading!